"No Regrets" Men's Conference
Saturday, February 3, 2024
1:00 PM
TCC Sanctuary
"No Regrets" Men’s Ministry exists to equip leaders to disciple men. RSVP today for this free event!
Event Details
Equipping leaders with the tools, knowledge, and expertise so that they can effectively and strategically disciple the men of their church and their life. By training, equipping, and supporting leaders in any way we can so that a biblical and spiritual awakening will move across the globe in a disciple-making movement. Through proven leadership training, discipleship resources, and an annual catalytic event. We are a men’s ministry that seeks to empower men to live lives of significance and purpose. The ministry is based on Christian principles and focuses on helping men grow in their faith, relationships, and leadership skills. No Regrets offers a variety of resources, including small group studies, workshops, and conferences, to help men develop the skills they need to lead
successful and fulfilling lives. The name is based on the idea that by pursuing God’s purpose for their lives, men can experience true fulfillment and leave behind a legacy that lasts.
RSVP today for this free event!