We'd Love to Introduce Ourselves
Fill Out Our Connect Card
A great first step is to fill out our Connect Card. What does this do? It gives us some basic information so we can get you on our email list and keep you up to date on all that is happening here at Trinity Communion Church. It is a great first step!
Attend An Inquirers Meet Up
Want a bit more info about TCC? Be our guest at one of our informal Inquirers meetings. These gatherings are held in the library on the first Sunday of each month following the service. When you attend, you will learn more about TCC’s Mission, Vision, and Discipleship Platform. You will also hear about how your family can get connected in the life of the church. Here's our next upcoming meet up:
Take the next step to continue your faith journey
Wherever you are on your journey, there is a way and a place for you to belong here. Helping you continue to grow in your faith is at the forefront of our mission here at Trinity Communion Church. At TCC we understand that “next steps” are important. Here a few to consider:
Join A Life Group
A life group is a small group of individuals that gather to go deeper into God's word. They are intended to be small and interactive, promoting transparency and offering authenticity. In life groups we may read and study the bible, enjoy a relevant video series on a variety of topics, or read and discuss a topical book. We experience together what God has done, is doing, and will continue to do through our lives. We pray together, sharing the concerns and joys that arise as we journey with Christ in our everyday lives. We serve each other and the wider community, discovering and sharing the grace and love given to us by God in Jesus. Please prayerfully consider joining a Life Group.
Check out all the current life group offerings:

Baptism: Belonging to Christ
“Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ's Body the Church” (BCP 298). It is the liturgical action in which we—whether children or adults—are claimed by God as beloved children and members of the Body of Christ. Our celebrations of baptism occur during Sunday worship throughout the church year.
Confirmation: Belonging to the Anglican Church
Already baptized? Confirmation in the Anglican Church is “a mature public affirmation of their faith and commitment to the responsibilities of their Baptism” (BCP 412). It is for either adolescents or adults to consciously embrace the adoption and grace of Baptism and respond to the call of Christ, usually involving a time of preparation and study. We offer confirmation classes for students and adults.
Join A Prayer Group
At Trinity Communion Church, our prayer groups understand the important role of prayer in our lives. We believe in the power of prayer to help us deal with difficult times, and to show gratitude and appreciation in times of joy. Our groups gather regularly to pray and support one another and our community. Join a group and be a part of the power of prayer.

Serve at TCC
Serving others is an integral part of being a Christian. Here at TCC there are so many ways to serve right here at the church during our Sunday Service, hosting a life group, helping with building and grounds and so much more. Click to learn more about serving within the church and beyond.